Raleigh Trevelyan
- 2014
de Death as a Way of Life (Muertes de perro) en el sello londinense Michael Joseph
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Carta de Raleigh Trevelyan a Francisco Ayala (18/11/1964)
18th November,
Mr. Francisco
54 W. 16th Street,
New York 11,
Dear Mr. Ayala,
We have had a
letter from Keith Ellis of the University of Toronto and he says that he has a
collection of translations of your Short Stories and asks whether we would like
to consider them. Naturally I have said that I should be delighted to read the
translations. However, I thought it would be as well to write to you too just
to make certain that these stories are free for us to consider from the
copyright point of view. Presumably Macmillan are also considering them.
We have Death as a Way of Life down for March 22nd
next year.
Yours sincerely,
Raleigh Trevelyan
Carta de Raleigh Trevelyan a Francisco Ayala (30/11/1964)
Francisco Ayala,
54 W.
16th Street,
York 10011, N.Y.
Dear Mr. Ayala,
Thank you so much
for your letter of November 24th.
I am sorry you have
been having trouble with Macmillan and naturally I will keep the matter
confidential. I am returning the copies of the two letters to you.
I should be very
glad to see Keith Ellis’s translations of your stories when they are ready.
Yours sincerely,
(Raleigh Trevelyan)
Carta de Raleigh Trevelyan a Francisco Ayala (01/03/1965)
1st March, 1965.
Francisco Ayala,
W. 16th Street,
York 10011, N.Y.
Dear Mr. Ayala:
This is to say that
one of your complimentary copies of Death
as a Way of Life is on its way to you by air mail, separately. The other
five are coming by sea mail. I wish you the very best of luck. As you know, publication
day is 22nd March.
I understand that
your daughter called the other day. I was so sorry to have missed her, although
Mrs. Joseph was glad to have met her. I have also been speaking to Mr. Carlos
Claveria about the book. I will let you know how things go after publication.
I was very sorry,
as I expect you have heard, to have to tell Mr. Ellis that we couldn’t take on
his translations of your stories. Unfortunately, one always has to think in
terms of money-making in publishing, and I just couldn’t see a sale for them in
volume form. I told Mr. Ellis that we would be very glad to try and offer them
to magazines, and I hope this will be agreeable to you. I fear that this will
be a disappointment.
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
(Raleigh Trevelyan)
Carta de Raleigh Trevelyan a Francisco Ayala (30/03/1965)
30th March, 1965.
Francisco Ayala,
W. 16th Street,
York 10011, N.Y.
Dear Mr. Ayala,
As you know, I have been away, otherwise I would have
written before now to congratulate you on the lead in The Sunday Times novel review. I expect you say it. In case you
didn’t, I enclose a cutting.
Sales are a bit slow at the moment, but I hope very
much that they will pick up.
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
(Raleigh Trevelyan)