- 15/05/1964
- Mildred Adams
- Francisco Ayala
- 54 West 16th Street. Apt. 4F. New York 11 N. Y.
- S.l.
[Carta mecanografiada con firma autógrafa y con membrete:] 340 EAST 72nd STREET, NEW YORK 21, N.Y.
- Fundación Francisco Ayala
Carta de Mildred Adams a Francisco Ayala (15/05/1964)
May 15, 1964
Dear Paco:
I was delighted to see in a recent issue of the New York Times that Charles Poore had read your book and liked it. Yesterday, when I lunched with Francis Brown, who edits the Sunday Book Review, he told me that he plans to be carrying a review and that it should be published either May 17th or 24th.
Whether you like these two reviews or not is, if I may say so, less important at the present moment than that they are published. There used to be a famous saying, credited either to a politician or a circus manager, that he did not care what people said about him as long as they kept talking. I need not tell you that for a Spanish author making his first appearance before an English-speaking public, the same thing is more or less true. The reviews in the Times will be ever so good for the future publicity that your work will attract.
So here are my very warmest congratulations and the hope that the next book will do even better.
Cordially yours,
Mildred Adams
Mr. Francisco Ayala
54 West 16th Street
New York 11, New York
[A continuación se reproduce una carta enviada por Mildred Adams a Daniel R. Hayes:]
[Escrito a mano:] Copy for Ayala
March 27, 1964
Dear Mr. Hays:
I understand from Francisco Ayala that you have just published in English translation his fine and famous book Muertes de perro. I am delighted that you and McMillan have been so fresighted [sic]. Ayala is one of the finest of modern writers in Spanish and too little known in this country. His fame in Spain and in South America is wide and growing. I hope that the publication of this book which marks his first appearance in English may be followed by other books and that it may win for him the recognition which he so well deserves. My congratulations and my best wishes for the book.
Sincerely yours,
Midlred Adams
Mr. Daniel Hays
c/o McMillan Inc.
60 Fifth Avenue
New York, New York