- 01/03/1965
- Raleigh Trevelyan
- Francisco Ayala
- 54 West 16th Street. Apt. 4F. New York 11 N. Y.
- S.l.
[Carta mecanografiada con firma autógrafa y con membrete:] MICHAEL JOSEPH LTD / 26 Bloomsbury St London, W.C. 1
- Fundación Francisco Ayala
Carta de Raleigh Trevelyan a Francisco Ayala (01/03/1965)
1st March, 1965.
Mr. Francisco Ayala,
54 W. 16th Street,
New York 10011, N.Y.
Dear Mr. Ayala:
This is to say that one of your complimentary copies of Death as a Way of Life is on its way to you by air mail, separately. The other five are coming by sea mail. I wish you the very best of luck. As you know, publication day is 22nd March.
I understand that your daughter called the other day. I was so sorry to have missed her, although Mrs. Joseph was glad to have met her. I have also been speaking to Mr. Carlos Claveria about the book. I will let you know how things go after publication.
I was very sorry, as I expect you have heard, to have to tell Mr. Ellis that we couldn’t take on his translations of your stories. Unfortunately, one always has to think in terms of money-making in publishing, and I just couldn’t see a sale for them in volume form. I told Mr. Ellis that we would be very glad to try and offer them to magazines, and I hope this will be agreeable to you. I fear that this will be a disappointment.
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
(Raleigh Trevelyan)